Monday, November 4, 2013

work for this week...

11/4. What is the role of the inverse matrix in solving equations? How does that compare with the movie "The Matrix"?
11/6 EQ: What does the inverse Matrix teach us about our ways in this world?  **see note below
Solve matrix equations.
3x3 determinants
3x3 equations with calculator, decode messages.
Solving system of equations.
4.5, ex 4 and 5 (word problem – no video for ex 5). Do it in class.
Test/ quiz 4.3
4.6, p202, ex 1, 2, do it my way, not like the book. See video.
Ex 2 on calculator. See video.
4.6, p203, ex 3, 4, 5 (decode matrix).
HW: video 4.5 C, + HW: p199, 22 to 25. + Study check point quiz 4.1 to 4.3. 
HW: video 4.6 A, B, C, D*
Hw: P205, 1, 2, 3, 10,11.
HW: tbd
HW: tbd

4.6, determinant of 3x3 matrix. I don't like the  video from the book  nor the method of the book. Better taught on youtube.
4.6 A, determinant of 3x3 matrix, from youtube, excellent, much better than the book method.
4.6 B, How to input and find inverse of matrices on TI -83/84 calculator. Excellent.
4.6 C,  solving 3x3 matrix with some calculator directions. from the book.,
4.6 D, clip from the movie the Matrix. Neo is first exposed to the Matrix and finds out that there's much more than what he understands of the world around him.  (by the way, if you like to think about life, this is an excellent movie to spark your mind). 

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